Friday, June 23, 2006

Everyday Things--Coffee!

Coffee is my favorite everyday thing!

My indulgence is 100% Kona. No other coffee tastes like it. and it has to be Hilo Hattie's Kona. Several years ago, a friend (salesman whose territory includes Hawaii) brought me some back for my birthday. Forget those chocolate covered macadamia nuts--give me Kona coffee. I drink it hot and black. It bites back!

As coffee goes, Kona is very expensive, but by the cup, it's still a good deal--cheaper than a can of Pepsi. I used to live near a mall that had a Hilo Hattie store, but since we moved, I just order online.

Just like Carol at "She Lives" I limit myself to 2 cups a day, or one cup if I plan to have iced tea or iced coffee in the afternoon.

Everyday Things is brought to you by: Everyday Mommy at
Thank you!


Glass Half Full said...

Java is my best friend!!! :)


Carol said...

Hey, I'm just now getting over here and I was about to say, we did the same everyday thing! But I can see you already knew that. LOL!

I'll have to try some of that sometime. Right now, we sort of buy in bulk at Central Market. They have one coffee that's like $36 a pound! I can't go there. It's some Jamaican thing. I hope it's legal.