Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Wordless Wednesday

To participate go to:

Matthew 13:47-50 "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea........."


Mom2fur said...

Oh, wow! Don't tell me that's real?

Anonymous said...

Hi!! That's a neat photo...did you take that? Interesting!!!

My W W is posted too.

(And, my photo album blog...with the texas sage bush? --Ya, we lived in Arizona for nearly 15 years, and the only time our texas sage bush bloomed is after it rained. So, don't be discouraged....that's their nature!!)

Dez Darlyn said...

to mom2fur--not real, it's painted on the sides and back of the truck. My friend's cousin, who lives in Germany sent this and a lot more of "fool the eyes" pictures. I really liked this one a lot.....

Carol said...

That is really cool. I'd love to see that truck.

Anonymous said...

That is so funny. We are talking about fresh sushi here...My son would love it.