Tell about a toy you remember from your childhood. One Christmas when my sister and I were small, we each received a plush teddy bear that had a music box in it which played Brahm's Lullaby. I have loved music boxes ever since.
If you could make one thing in the world absolutely free for everyone, what would it be? I'll bet a lot of us say this one......a bible in the person's own language.
Approximately how many times a day do you think about your significant other? I think of him several times an hour. Although we are currently both home all the time--he is retired and I am between jobs, he likes to spend a lot of time in "his" garage working on projects and I am in the house, working on my various cleaning, cooking, sewing, blogging projects. I can sometimes hear him banging, welding or sawing and I think of him and wonder what he's working on.
Main Course
What is something you believe in 100%? That I am washed clean of sin and saved by the blood of Jesus. That because of His death and resurrection, I am a child of God. That I will be caught up in the air to meet Him when He returns for His people. That He is the Shepherd and I am a lamb in His flock. That the Holy Spirit gives me guidance and the strength to carry it through. That prayer really does change things. That I have a personal relationship with God and by reading His word, the Bible, I can know Him and live a joyful, forgiven life.
Name one thing you have done this week that you would consider a "good deed" I'm helping our friend, Chris, get his business started, as I have a long history of business/accounting experience. His 38-year-old wife died suddenly last December and both my husband and I do everything we can to be a support to him.
Friday, August 11, 2006
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