Saturday, January 27, 2007

Random Thoughts Due to Lack of Sleep

Why do we think our dogs would look so cute in human clothes? Why do we cut their fur and then have to put sweaters on them? Just before it got really really cold here, we took Harry and Teddy in to get a trim. What I meant when I told the groomer "just trim them--you know, even out their coats". She heard, "Take them down to 1/4 inch" I guess. Now I know, I say just a bath and trim their face and feet. Harry was shivering for a month and had to be put under a blanket every time he came in from going out to potty. Teddy is young and nothing seems to bother him!
I had a "bed of nails" night last night. That's when I only sleep for, at the most, an hour at a time. Then I lay awake for an hour or more. Last night none of my tried and true methods worked. I read--which is usually a sure-fire method to cause sleepiness. Not this night! I read for 1-1/2 hours. Finally I shut off the light and put on my instrumental hymns CD. First, it was too loud, then it was too soft. I listened to all 15 hymns and it shut off. There were dogs barking all night, it seemed. I finally fell asleep at around 5:30 and was awakened by one of the outside dogs(our neighbor's dogs that sleep at our house) shrieks. There are the mom and 2 six month old girl pups. They are now bigger than their mom and are starting to bug her. I think she bit one of the girls. That got me flying out of bed to see what the injury was. I think it was mostly hurt feelings because I couldn't find any blood. So I got up. Feel like I've been run over by a truck, but I'm up.
Got Joel Osteen's daily word in my email and it was a good one. "Be careful how you live--not as unwise but wise, making the most of every opportunity." (Ephesians 5:15-16) God gives me opportunities all the time that I pass up due to silly fears. When I worked, I never procrastinated. Now that I have time on my hands, I put things off until I end up apologising because they are late. I am realizing that because I have the idea that I have all the time in the world, I am letting many important opportunities slip right through my fingers. I need to get my priorities in order and live the best life God has for me. Take action, don't just dawdle.

Friday, January 26, 2007

I'm NEVER Dieting Again

I'm not tired of being fat, I'm not giving up on losing weight, but I am sooooo DONE with dieting. Forever!
Me and two other ladies at my church decided to support each other in our efforts to lose weight. We decided to do this early last November. We brought in all our diet books--I won--I had the most. We brought in all our exercise tapes--I won--I had the most. I had been in the most diet programs too. Ha Ha - nothing very funny about being a winner in this contest, is there? There I was again, dieting! And not being successful--feeling like a failure.
One of the ladies brought in a book entitled "The Weigh Down Diet--An Inspirational Way To Lose Weight, Stay Slim and Find a New You". It's been around since 1973. I think I heard of it, but thought it was just a gimmicky idea. It may have been the only diet book I had never bought. This book told me I was NOT a failure. It told me that there are NO "Bad" foods. It told me to ask God for help. It told me to pray before I ate--every time--BEFORE I ate. It told me to stop eating diet foods. It told me to eat what I like???? How could THAT work??? It kept me reading, to say the least!
I want to say one thing before I extoll the virtues of the Weigh Down book. Our little support group has grown from the 3 of us to 9 people. I think that using this book as part of a twice a week support group is VERY important. We truly SUPPORT each other. We rely on God to support us. The book is based on biblical principals. If you google the author of this book today, you will see that she has headed off into another direction altogether. Back when she wrote this book in the early 1970's, she was right on. I don't care with she is doing today....the principals in this old book are working. They make sense and God is rewarding each one of us in the group as we draw nearer to Him thru prayer and reliance on Him for His strength, not our puny willpower!


This picture has nothing whatsoever to do with the FF, but just reread Rob's Unspace Blogs about his birdies last night and thought that this was a cute picture--it's not one of Rob's birdies, but I thought it was cute anyway!
If you could take lessons to learn any musical instrument, which would you want to learn? How about relearn? That would be the piano. When I was a kid, I took lessons for 8 years, competed and did quite well. Then turned 13 and my priorities changed--high school and all that it entails. I can still read notes, but can't play a note! Now they have those electric pianos and I would love to play again.
Have you ever mistaken a person for someone else?
Embarrassingly, many times. So many times, that until I am absolutely sure of the person's name, I don't use their name when I address them. I practice looking at them and saying their name over and over in my mind until I have it set. Still, sometimes, I can barely catch myself before saying their name incorrectly. Some people (particularly women) get insulted if you call them by the wrong name.
On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how well do you keep secrets?
I am a 10. I have been a confidant to many. I have an ability to tuck secrets away in a corner of my mind behind a locked door. I am the safest person to tell a secret to because I never repeat anything that was ever told to me in confidence. Once, a close friend accused me of telling something that she had wanted kept secret from the people at work. It had gotten out and she was positive that I had told someone. I had not and I was very distressed that she would think that I had let the secret out. She was angry with me and I was very hurt that she thought it was me. As it turned out, a coworker "googled" my friend's name on the internet and read about her then told everyone else at work about her secret. It affected our friendship--it will never be the same.
What's the closest you've ever been to a dangerous animal?
Last summer, I killed a rattlesnake with a shovel. It was in the fenced patio right by the water faucet. Luckily, it rattled just as I was heading for the faucet to turn off the water. I ran back into the house, thought about it and went out the front door, got the shovel and chased it back through the fence. It kept trying to come back into the patio. That's the area where we let out 2 little dogs go to be outside. I didn't want it to come back in and bite one of the dogs. So I had to suck up my fear and make the first strike with the shovel count. My husband was out of town and my neigbors were at work--I had to do it. I cried afterward, because I don't believe in killing even dangerous animals.
When was the last time you lost your patience?
Last Saturday. The next day my husband and I ended up in a big fight about it. I have a difficult time trying to control my temper. It is a thorn in my side. I am just like my father in that way. I don't lose patience with other people--just myself. I let myself get frustrated and then boom! I lose it--I scream, shout, kick inaminate objects, tear things, throw things....etc. It's horrible and I feel horrible for letting it happen. I have made progress with God's help. It's just that I don't always rely on the Lord for help and trying to control it under my own strength is useless. Lord help me remember where my strength comes from!